Spindle Taper
ISO 50 / DIN 69871
Rotary Table (Lxw)
2500 x 3500 mm
Tool Piece Magazine With
105 Pcs./pcs.
Spindle Speed
10 - 2500 RPM
Feed Speeds X/Y/Z Axis
20000 mm / min
Drive Capacity - Spindle Motor
58/88 kW
Additional information
- Linear Scales for X, Y1-Y2, Z, V axes
- Coolant Through the Spindle CTS50 with 50 bars high pressure unit programmable
- Outside Coolant System OCS4 with 4 bars (6 bars on the pump) low pressure unit (2610 liters)
- Automatie Robolic toolchanger for 105 tools. Same as for WRF 160 Heavy with one extra column.
- 3 positions pickup stalion.
- Automatic universal milling head UHA30mi.
- Chip conveyor bell type for the X axis
- Automatic Lubrication System
- Headstock gearbox oil Chiller
Machine can be inspected under power.